Friday, October 30, 2015

Yucky, slimy pumpkin guts is math?

Yes, pumpkin guts, or more precisely, slimy pumpkin seeds were math today. We estimated how many lines,or ridges, our pumpkins had, how many cubes tall and how many cubes around our pumpkins were, and how many seeds our pumpkins had. Then we were ready measure and count the seeds to find the actual answers. Estimations are just good guesses, but we found out that some of our estimates were too much and some were pretty close. And we had a lot of messy fun doing it!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

I'm giving it a try

I told my students that I would try something new that I didn't know how to do. So here's my first blog post for my classroom blog.
I have successfully (I think) downloaded our November calendar and our daily schedule. I have also linked up our homework site, Scoot Pad, and our new spelling site, Spelling City to our blog.
I will be trying to use this several times a week to keep families and friends of Room 1 at RBE up to date with what we are doing in our classroom.
Please be patient with me as I learn how to navigate this new world called blogging.
Stay tuned for more news from our room......